Capital One offers mortgages of up to $2 million. Conforming mortgage loans of $417,000 or less typically have the lowest mortgage rates; high-balance loans of $417,000 to $625,500 are available in areas with higher property values. Capital One is an authorized lender for both FHA and VA mortgages.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, what kind of loans does Capital One offer? Capital One does not currently offer unsecured personal loans. You can get a personal loan from other lenders, including other banks, credit unions and online lenders. Personal loan alternatives to Capital One Credit scores accepted: good to excellent. APR range: 5% to 29%. Loan amounts: $1,000 to $100,000. how can I get a loan from Capital One? To get a personal loan, you’ll first need to apply for one from a bank or online financial company. Not everyone who applies will qualify, but if you do, the institution may lend you a certain amount, such as $10,000. Then you pay it back during a set amount of time. Each payment is usually called an installment. who bought Capital One Home Loans? Credit Suisse AG Does Capital One Do refinancing?Capital One Auto Finance only refinances loans from other financial institutions, not including Capital One subsidiaries. You must refinance the full payoff amount of your existing auto loan subject to our minimum and maximum loan amounts. We do not offer cash back refinancing or lease buyouts.