Holly Hagan before and after weight loss

Holly Hagan is one of those celebrities who have attained huge weight loss. She worked hard for four years and went from size 16 to size 8. Holly claims that her weight loss was due to an easy to follow diet and fitness routine. The diva admits that she indulges so often, but then works hard to lose that extra weight off. What are the other fitness secrets she has revealed? Let’s find out.

Being Bullied at School

The Geordie Shore (2011-Present) actress was bullied at school by her classmates. She was so hurt by the comments that she even tried to harm herself. Holly has since been dealing with bullies and thinks she can manage them much better now as she is also much stronger now.

Holly Hagan workout

Constant Diet

The stunner has recently admitted that she will always be on a diet. As long as she is working, she will work hard, party a bit and even put on weight; then… will work hard to lose it. Hagan has to look great on the show, so she is ready to be on a diet as long as she is a renowned personality, reported Mirror.

Changing the Mindset

The beauty has also a very clear mindset about weight loss. She thinks that people often get obsessed with weight loss and think of themselves as fatty, no matter how much weight they lose. Luckily, she never had that problem. She has a clear view of losing weight and achieves her weight loss goals whenever the need be.

Managing Jealous People

The star also has to deal with jealous people who comments on the way the Geordie Shore actors look. In her own words (to shut up the people) –

“I’m sick of people commenting on the way we look. If we think we look fine, then f***ing leave us to it. The people commenting are just jealous.”

Holly Hagan kettlebell workout for abs

Facing Critics

Holly is also excellent at dealing with critics. Once a fan wrote on social media that her plastic surgery was visible from a mile away and she doesn’t even look like normal people. She reacted by telling the fan –

“I hope so, it was bloody expensive x”

Indulging a Little

The TV personality also likes to indulge every once in a while. She recently put on a lot of weight during Christmas and accepted that she will have blips like every other girl. Holly also thinks that if she can lose that extra weight after putting it back on while traveling and partying, then anyone can do it, reports Lifestyle One.

Motivation Factors

The talented actress credits her fans and co-stars for keeping her motivated. She accepts that she and her co-stars have different body types and shapes, so she is not in competition with them.

Holly Hagan exercising in the gym

Never Give Up

Many people have a problem with their weight loss journey. They lose weight and then they put it back. Hagan has the same problem. The solution to this problem according to her is to keep going and going at it. You should accept that there are going to be setbacks and never lose your will to keep at it. She also admits that if you lose the weight slowly, it will take more time to come back according to OK.co.uk.

Workout Secrets

Charlotte Crosby‘s BFF revealed her workout routine via two workout guides that were released a few months back. They target bums and tums of a person and are named Holly Hagan’s Booty Camp and Holly Hagan’s Tighter Tummy in 20. The brunette finds it quite easy to hit the gym regularly, so she does it.

Problem Area

The lady also shared that her problem area is stomach as it puts on weight quickly. She thinks that people have different problem areas so they should adjust their exercises accordingly. She also thinks that workouts are not just about losing weight, they are about toning up too. (And we agree!!)

Holly Hagan boxing workout

Diet Secrets

The diet secrets of the versatile actress are hidden in her diet book, Holly Hagan’s 12 Week Body Bible. She created it because she thinks that diet is a more difficult path to follow as compared to working out. Holly also wanted to create a diet book that helps people to enjoy carbs like her by following a low carb diet plan. Like many of us, she has a sweet tooth too, so she created a diet in which she can have a dessert every day.

Holly Hagan food choices

Reeducating People

The model likes people to get educated on what’s good and what’s not with regard to their diet. She wants them to understand that eating loads of pasta even if you are using a low fat sauce is not wise. She also completely agrees with the statement that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

How to Stick to a Healthy Diet?

If you want to stick to a healthy diet, the singer wants you to keep at it. She herself has many bad food days and weeks, but she just keeps going on. You should realize that having a few slip-ups is totally fine if you make up for it. You shouldn’t feel too bad about it. Remember that the slower you get to your goals, the longer the excess weight would stay off you. All your fitness goals will also be more achievable if you go slowly.

The Journey

The TV actress also thinks that her weight loss journey took so long because she was a big girl naturally and hence lost the weight slowly.
