Kate Middleton’s younger brother, James Middleton is getting candid about his debilitating depression! As you may know, the businessman has been away from the spotlight for a very long time, but it looks like he is finally ready to open up about his story, which includes a very difficult battle with mental illness.

Not only did James, 31, made his Instagram account public but he also penned an essay for the Daily Mail that is both emotional and inspiring.

In it, he discussed his struggle with not only depression but also with attention-deficit disorder.

According to him, for about a year, his mental health kept deteriorating until he finally sought help.

‘I know I am richly blessed, and I live a privileged life. But it didn’t make me immune to depression. It’s tricky to describe. It’s not merely sadness. It’s an illness, a cancer of the mind. It is not a feeling but an absence of feelings. You exist without purpose or direction. I could not feel joy, excitement or anticipation. Only heart thudding anxiety propelled me out of bed in the morning,’ Middleton wrote.

He went on to mention that ‘I did not actually contemplate suicide—but I did not want to live in the state of mind I was in either.’

His struggle with dyslexia also made his school years a huge struggle and was unaware that he also suffered from ADD.

Middleton made it clear that he is not slamming the educational system but that because he did not know his brain worked differently, he had a really hard time.

‘If diagnosis and help had happened sooner, I’d have found life so much easier,’ he explained in his essay.

The struggle went on as in 2016, his doctor discovered he had an irregular heartbeat caused by anxiety and stress.

He was able to keep the symptoms at bay with medication, but that affected his social life as he was only going through the motions – never talking to his friends anymore, only working and achieving nothing at all.


Thankfully, after getting the proper help and due to the support of his family, today, James Middleton feels like he has a purpose again.
