NeNe Leakes told her fans that she gets nervous each and every time she hears that someone has to go somewhere these days. She is also taking the whole coronavirus pandemic seriously, and she has a piece of advice for her IG followers.

NeNe recently had to close her shop despite the fact that her heart was breaking. Fans offered her comfort and support and told her that one day, things would get back to normal.

‘This is why I get nervous every time somebody I know says “they are running out right quick somewhere” #stayhome #covid19 #imscaredtoo #thistoomuch,’ NeNe captioned her post.

Someone said: ‘WTF. Our grandparents went to war and healthcare workers are risking their lives to save ours. Karen is only being asked to sit her a** at home and watch Netflix. We can do this!!!!!!’

A follower posted: ‘Very scary and my husband still have to go to work I worry about him getting it and bringing it home to me and our son.’

One other follower said: ‘People be saying that they want to hang out with friends because they’re bored but they don’t realize the danger they’re putting others in.’

Someone else wrote: ‘People who don’t self-quarantine are really disappointing.’

A fan desperately said that ‘Everyone in Australia and the USA are not listening! Literally you won’t be able to get back to normal life until the numbers of cases STOP increasing! Love you Nene!’

One commenter posted this: ‘Thank you @neneleakes for using your platform to educate. Stay home, people! We don’t want to end up like Italy, and we are close…’

Someone else said this about going to work: ‘Unless you are considered essential, then you have no choice but show up to work until you either show symptoms or test positive.’

One other commenter said: ‘When you return home, sanitize yourself & drop your clothes in the washer before you touch anyone else. Be safe.’


NeNe also made sure to highlight the fact that there are more important things in the world than money and business, and the most important is obviously health.
