The ongoing legal dispute between Twitch streamers and former partners Felix "xQc" and Sam "Adept" seems to have concluded. For those unaware of the legal clash, the ex-couple was embroiled in a lawsuit for over a year. However, as of now, the matter is resolved, and while Felix did not delve into specifics, he disclosed his victory in the case.
The streamer also mentioned that he intends to share additional details about the case in an upcoming stream, possibly scheduled for tomorrow (December 6). Speaking about his current legal situation, he said:
“No longer in any significant legal battle.""I thought it would take months" - xQc speaks on his legal battle with ex-girlfriend Adept
The protracted legal conflict between xQc and Adept has been a widely discussed topic in the streaming community. The accusations ranged from Adept claiming the streamer's car to even accusing him of sexual assault.
Speaking about the sudden news of the legal battle ending, the French-Canadian said:
"I don't know how to say this. This is more on a sudden note. I kinda wished this was more like in the middle of the day, I will probably talk more about it tomorrow. Overall, I didn't expect this. I thought it would take months. I thought I'd never see the day to be honest."He revealed receiving a confirmation from his legal team regarding the status of the case:
"As I was about to stream, and I got a text message, email...they just gave me the news that I was no longer in any significant legal battle and it's all over and it kinda caught me by surprise."Finally, he added:
"I didn't know how to react really. So that happened and yeah, that's about it."What did fans say?
The clip of xQc speaking about the situation was shared on his official YouTube clips channel and received a lot of comments. Here are some of the top ones:
As the streamer said, he plans to delve into the nitty-gritty of the case tomorrow. Currently, Adept has not yet commented on the situation.
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