Kyle Horton, Bryce Horton's brother, recently passed away in a tragic accident, leaving his family, friends, and loved ones distraught. Horton, a native of Bakersfield, California, met with a car accident on August 19, 2023, Saturday, and lost his life to the injuries sustained.

Following Kyle Horton's death, his brother, Bryce Horton, posted a touching message on Instagram, promising to remember his "little brother" and "best friend" forever.

“Kyle I love you and you aren’t just my little brother you are my best friend. I’ll never forget every song and movie quote we shared and laughed at together.”

The message also spoke about their time as bandmates and roommates to being uncles to each other's children, showcasing how they experienced a beautiful journey together.

A now-deleted Reddit thread broke the unfortunate news of his passing to the internet community. Netizens flocked to the comment sections of both the Instagram and the Reddit posts as soon as they became viral to express their sorrow and disbelief over the unfortunate situation.

Netizens pour tributes following Kyle Horton's tragic death

Netizens are shocked with the news (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton / Kyle's family)

According to sources, Kyle Horton reportedly attended Long Beach City College and was dedicated to his education and personal development. Kyle started his academic career at Frontier High School, where he laid the groundwork for his future aspirations. At Marine Corps Recruiting, he served as a Platoon RO as well.

Kyle Horton was from Bakersfield, California, and had profound ties to the neighborhood and the area. He was also a loving father to a son who is two years old.

Unfortunately, Kyle Horton reportedly fell victim to a multi-vehicle accident on Saturday on Highway 65, close to the Lerdo Highway exit. He was driving a Ford Mustang when he collided with a tractor-trailer and another car.

Kyle Horton was involved in the crash and was declared dead at the site despite the best efforts of rescue personnel.

After the tragic incident, Kyle Horton's brother Bryce Horton took to his Instagram account and uploaded a video with a gut wrenching message. As soon as the Instagram post, along with a now-deleted Reddit post by u/Content-Kangaroo-322, went public, fans and followers flooded the comment section with their heartfelt and supportive messages.

Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Instagram / bryce_horton)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Reddit / u/Content-Kangaroo-322)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Reddit / u/Content-Kangaroo-322)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Reddit / u/Content-Kangaroo-322)
Netizens pour tributes as Kyle passes away (Image via Reddit / u/Content-Kangaroo-322)

A kid, who was Kyle's passenger, was taken to the nearby hospital with minor wounds. The identity of the youngster hasn't been revealed yet.

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